Presenters and Performers

Present or Perform at the ACE Spirit Week Festival 2023. Showcase your excellence and share your community with us. The ACESW Conference houses multiple cross disciplinary presentations representing a wide variety cultures, beliefs and artistic visions. Sign up to present or learn more below.

What is your area of Excellence?


Any Performance or Presentation that is for the specific purpose of K-12, Higher, Adult, or Continuing Education of any subject.

Visual Art

Any artistic representation that is NOT performance art (live, performed on location for an audience). Examples would include sculpture, multimedia art installments, paintings, drawings, collages, etc.

Performance Art

Any artistic presentation that is performed or viewed live, on location, for an audience. Examples include Theater, Poetry and Spoken Word, Dance, Musical performances, etc.

Cultural Diaspora Arts

Any art representation both live and still that centers the African Diaspora (other than the Black American Experience) specifically.


Any expression that is specifically designed to be consumed by readers (this may include poetry that is performed live, but is also expressed and submitted in written form). Examples may include Books/Novels/Graphic Novels (fiction and non-fiction); Academic papers and Research (articles and presentations); Poetry and Prose papers; etc.


Wellness includes any activity, presentation, event, or performance centers the wellbeing of the audience/individuals. This category may refer to many things including Physical, Emotional, Spiritual, Community, Financial, and/or Environmental wellness.


Any performance, presentation, or event that features Culinary Arts in some way, shape, or form.


Any artistic expression that is fulfilled through the media of Film. This may include Short films, Feature length presentations (Movies), Documentaries, Series (TV), etc.

Community Guidelines

Welcome to A Collective of Excellence for ACE Spirit Week Festival!

We are delighted to welcome you into our collective. 

As a multicultural praxis space, we aim to develop and nurture “growth mindsets”; explore and develop ideas and practices of equity, identity, inclusion, and action; and build institutions that serve and are guided by the people who need them.

Our praxis methods and pedagogy are available to those that agree to the following terms of Unity, one of our Nourishment Cycle pillars.

 - ACE is a Non-Profit Organization that fosters Multicultural Multidisciplinary development and growth. This means that we are consistently engaging with and welcoming people from all racial and cultural backgrounds. In this space and through our praxis, we must consistently internalize and practice what it means to be allies and in alliance with people with differing struggles and issues. We encourage open and free dialogue; Please be mindful that in a growth space we are constantly applying and stretching our understanding of complex Social, Cultural, Class, and Gender dynamics.
- Our community is founded on a philosophy of Growth that we have and are continuing to develop. We expect that any materials that we share as we develop our methods and collaborate with you as a member of the collective or as a collaborative partner, be kept confidential (not used for any personal gains; cited as ones own personal IP for Academic or any other purposes; or distributed to any other entities without express written consent from the Acting CEO of ACE)
"There is no Community without U"
- ACE University
© Copyright 2022 - A Collective of Excellence - All Rights Reserved
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