What is ACE University?

ACE is the parent organization that houses the ACE Spirit Week Festival. ACESW follows ACE’s philosophy— a four-fold nourishment cycle that is the mechanism behind our growth mindset. The philosophy of thought moves from the internal to the external, aiming to first grow the self, and then to in turn affect the world around oneself to follow in growth.
By developing a CONSCIOUSNESS of self— that you are a being with value and whose life has meaning, and you have internal power to affect

Mission and Vision

ACE welcomes all who need a place to test ideas; gain insight, mentorship and/or develop ideas; and/or receive support for projects that mean to serve their community. We invite you to develop a new world using the gifts and talents that lay latent within— we are A Collective of Excellence.

Community Impact

ACE is the larger organization that houses and supports ongoing projects such as the ACOBE Fest and Chromatica Community Ensemble, two of the foundational entities that gave birth to ACE University.


ACOBE (A Celebration of Black Excellence) is a community demonstration and festival of LOVE where all souls have a safe space to celebrate the beauty of Blackness! ACOBE gathers creative content from members of the Black community, our allies, and supporters to create a collage of unity.


ACE Spirit Week is a 7 Day festival that acts as a community outreach opportunity. ACESW hosts workshops, performances, entertainment events, networking opportunities, concerts and more!


Chromatica is a set of Community Ensembles including Choir, Orchestra and Guitar Ensembles open to musicians of all levels. 

Meet the Faculty

Our community members strive to show their own excellence in the community. Meet the Faculty that makes it all work.

Community Partners and

Without the help of our community partners we would not be able to make the impact we do in the community. (Need Images Consistent Logos for Every Sponsor)
"There is no Community without U"
- ACE University
© Copyright 2022 - A Collective of Excellence - All Rights Reserved
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